Saturday, May 12, 2007

A tribute to my favorite woman in the world...

Recently a boy not more than twelve, asked his mother for money to go and watch a movie. She declined. She thought it would be bad for him to watch it for the third time. She did not permit him to see it because she thought it would affect his academics, or it would waste his precious time, money or it would have a bad effect on his eyes. In short, she disallowed him for his own good. Because she cared. For his future. For his life. Not her own. But yet he thought she hated him-hated him so much that he decided on ending his life. He hung himself from a ceiling fan. And in a minute or two, he was gone forever.
All parents want to help their kids develop--to provide a firm foundation for a child’s emotional, social, and academic development. Parents often fain to understand the connection between their own parenting practices and the social, emotional, and intellectual aspects of child development.
Yes, parents do need to learn too. But giving up your life is not the lesson you need to teach them. Infact that's the harshest, most merciless and thoughtless punishment you could ever give them in return for their care, genuine concern and love.
The day the young boy took his life, his friends and relatives must be devastated. I cannot even begin to imagine what his mother must be going through at the moment.
So on the occasion of Mother's Day, let's stop taking our mother for granted. Moms need to feel important in this society. It is both arrogant and dangerous to tell mothers that the average daycare worker is more capable of raising her children than she is and that she is somehow damaging them if she sacrifices or postpones her career to be with them.
We know what kind of a role a mother occupies in a child’s mind. We don’t get it from a study. We get it from the look on her child's face when he/she tells her about her day at school. From the baby's cries in the night when he needs his mother’s milk, and from the dreams mothers have of their babies all taking on the world with the same vision and idealism that they once had.
No mother would be ever pleased seeing a human being which has grown inside her own body, hanging from a ceiling fan...Let's not give them such a view ever in our lives. They truely do not deserve it.
Oprah always says that motherhood is the toughest and at the same time the most blessed job in the world. And we know our mothers do it. And they do it well...

This is a song by Josh Groban that truely echos the moods and sentiments of every child this Mother's Day...

“You raise me up…
So I can climb on mountains.
You raise me up…
To walk on stormy seas.
I’m strong…
When I’m on your shoulders.
You raise me up…
To more than I can be.

1 comment:

Shreyas said...

true .. beings parents esp mom is very difficult job.. i think the best way si always the middle path... mishaps wud still keep happening.. buty i m sure the percentage wud b minimal