Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Tribute To My Favourite Author...

We have all seen it; heard about it, read it and some are quite bored of it by now. Harry Potter has captured this world like a wild fire. Its official! It’s everywhere. But what do we really know about him? Or the person who created him? What is it that has got at least half of the world get addicted to it? Clearly the maser mind behind this legendary character is someone, who’s not less than a fantasy herself. Of course, with her wealth more than the Queen of England and her name top listed in the record of the most famous celebrities in the world, I would say she is a Goddess herself. But before becoming the person who’s worshipped by millions of readers, she was nothing more than a small town girl who played the game of ‘Witches and Wizards’ all the time with her neighborhood friends- Ian and Nikki “Potter.”
During one casual train journey from Manchester to London, the most magical thing happened that changed the world forever. The train halted due to some technical faults and she was stranded for hours. Suddenly while gazing at the outside meadows, one basic idea of a boy who is unaware of his true identity just popped in her head. And till her train entered London station, Harry Potter was born! What happened after that is history…or rather the most historic chapter in the arena of English literature.
Like that of the character she created, J.K Rowling’s life has a gleam of a fairy tale. From being a divorced woman with no job and an infant daughter to look after, to becoming one of the richest women in the world (not to mention, one of the most loved authors) Mrs. Rowling’s life itself has been one big roller-coaster ride… And the only person that rescued her through this traumatic phase was none other than Harry Potter… We know her as the most popular author of a series of books about some black-haired, bespectacled boy who escapes from the confines of the adult world and goes to a place where he has power, both literally and metaphorically. He is the simplest of simple boy in the muggle world and a hero in his own Wizardry Community. Just like the author herself. We only know her life as a booming and glamorous one, enjoying the taste of her success. But the story of the woman behind the creation of this admired Wizard is left untold. From being a ‘penniless single mother’ to being top listed in the richest woman in the world, her story is the one which each aspiring human being would want to know. From buying the cheapest coffee in a CafĂ© and for that matter even sleeping hungry at times, she has been through it all.
Joanne Kathleen Rowling has sailed through a rough sea only to end up inspiring millions, the world over through her books. Her talent and brilliance is immensely depicted in each of her novel. She maintained the texture of her writing in spite of the extra ordinary rise of popularity she gained in the process. And what truly enthused me was the vastness of her imagination. From creating the most lovable characters to characters we just love to hate, she captured the hearts of all those who believed in friendship, love, bravery and battle of good against the evil. From being slotted as children’s books, she has quite amazingly proceeded to writing something that could engross even a sixty year old. A slight escapism from the present reality to the unknown world where nothing seems impossible is always welcome change for all.
The author planned of writing something that could make others happy and which could fetch her, a living. And it did, and how! Her writing strikes you right where you need it.
Magnificent author and a remarkable woman, J.K Rowling is here to stay in our hearts forever…She’s no more a ‘penniless single mother’, mind you. She’s the author who has created the best selling fantasy stories and made parents read more and more to their children (partly for their own enjoyment), and given big sales boost to authors like John Grisham. And she’s here to stay people… Even after the last chapter of Harry turns its final page!

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