Saturday, May 12, 2007

Does Life Really go on...?

Too much is talked and said about the Bombay spirit and the euphoria that surrounds every mood of this city. But what really needs to be pointed out is the fact that the ever-pulsating, never-dying attitude of Mumbai is rightly mistaken for its ability to conquer fears overnight, overlooking the horror, grief, and shock that every Mumbaikar unmistakably face. The reason why the citizens show their resilience is because they have no other choice. It’s because, if the city fails to come on tracks immediately, it would be even more likely target to numerous unfortunate events in future. It’s because, no authority or any Government body ever show their ability to avoid and bring a stop to such brutal incidences, that the citizens themselves have to get up to lend a helping hand to each other. Because even after the disaster, all the Government could ever do is pat the citizens on their backs for their courage and fortitude, instead of some kind of assuring promise for the future.
It’s not because Mumbaikars are the people devoid of emotions and feelings. Even though they show up the very next day of the catastrophe in their offices, the obvious dread, vulnerability, anger and disgust in their minds is evident. All the bravery and heroism of the city that the Government often salutes, is not Mumbai’s real courageousness or valor. In reality it is their helplessness and sheer nakedness that is wrapped over their fear and insecurity. It is high time that the Government stops acknowledging the city’s spirit and take some serious actions to avoid such mishaps in the days to come. How much ever honored we may feel by the PM’s address to the citizens after every disaster that strikes the city, we cannot forget the sight of the innocent bodies being thrown outside the exploding train or people being massacred on streets or sudden bombs exploding in the face of an innocent Mumbaikar, when the politicians were sitting comfortably in air-conditioned rooms having a “discussion” over the issue, where they could have done something practical. Yes, we do agree that we, the Mumbaikars are the most resilient and tough of all the citizens in our country, but please don’t mock our flexibility and ability to fight back. If the Government really cares and feels for this city, then we need some severe actions that could protect its purely ‘gem citizens.’

1 comment:

Shreyas said...

well known bombay spirit is a heinous coverup to the apathy of the govt towards providing basic lifeworthy amenities to the citizens and when Bombay has to face tht. i dread toe evn ponder close to the state of other cities and villages