Wednesday, November 12, 2008

So…the moment I’ve always been waiting for since I started watching the show two years ago finally arrived…I have read several taping reports and all start with he/she (mostly she) getting there at the studio…But I guess mine technically starts when I took a 17 hour long flight from India to NYC…!
Since then, I’ve been dying to go to the taping…finally the day arrived…I went there at 1:30, as I didn’t have tickets…I was obviously the first one to arrive so damn early…but soon a fellow fanatic came and we chatted for a while..Anyways, cut to: 5’O clock, when we actually got tickets in our hands and we were SLOWLY led inside the waiting area…Mark came in and gave some T-shirts and also answered many questions…he talked bout the Jane Fonda episode, Richard Branson episode and some other stuff which we all already know, like the story behind the outline drawing of Stephen on the studio floor and the history behind bill O’Reily’s microwave…
Then he told us to clap loudly, shout on top of our voice, etc…I was so fucking excited I wasn’t even paying much attention. Then, we were soon led into the actual studio, which is just as cool as it looks on T.V…Then Pete came in and did his thing…it was really funny. He asked us if anyone was from different country and I quickly stood up and shouted India! And Pete was kinda taken aback…hehe, but he said he liked the fact that I actually stood up and that I should stand up while asking Stephen a question.
Then, the moment arrived…Spot lights flashed everywhere…And there came our Hero…running, shouting, Hi-fying the audience and all…Man, the energy he has is truly unmatchable…He asked if anyone of us had questions and a girl asked him to sing ‘o Susana’…and he DID…and WOW, we all went “awww”, and he’s like…”the following Report is sponsored by awww”…then, he talked about getting old or something…he said his son John asked him the other day whether the lines next to his eyes were actually gills…and we all went awww again….very funny
Then the taping began and it was hilarious….the moment when he stood up and started taking off his jacket, we were literally squealing…and then he unzipped his pants…God, it was sooo funny to watch…During the break, the make-up artist came and fixed his hair and he did the same to her hair…hahah…he’s so over dramatic , which is too cute…he kept lip syncing all the songs they play during the break…
The taping ended sooner than I expected, and he told us what a great audienc ewe were and that he wished we could come back tomorrow again…
we came out pretty quickly…everyone departed soon enough, but I loitered there for a while…
Then, The Report writers came in and I congratulated them on their Emmy…they were too sweet…they asked me if I enjoyed the show and I said ‘My throat hurts from shouting’ and he said that’s a good thing then…we talked for while about India and stuff and then they went too…
I was literally the only one left there…One of Stephen’s security men was there and I asked him when Stephen will come out and he said he didn’t know anything…I kept questioning him, but he just didn’t tell me anything…But I told him “m gonna wait there, since I came like…10,000 miles across from a different continent, ‘m not going without meeting him…He said it will probably take a long time, but I insisted on waiting and ALAS!!!
There, right in front of my eyes is…STEPHEN COLBERT! He came and smiled at me..I said I came all the way from India to watch his show and he was extremely polite and asked me how I was, etc…he asked me whether I liked the show and I said I did…a LOT!
I asked him whether I can take a picture with him and he said Sure…So, I shakily opened the camera and I asked the security guy to take our pic…But Stephen said, “Wait…I’ll take it” and he held me by my shoulder and took a picture of both of us…For the first two times it didn’t work and so we just kept standing there in the same position…then, it finally worked and he actually saw the pic and said “ohh that’s a a sweet picture..” Then I said Thanks and he’s like…”Take care” and goes near his car and I shouted behind him “Oh by the way, congratulations on winning an Emmy”! and he’s like..Thanks..! was brilliant…
He got into his car and drove off….
And I got into a taxi, grinning madly like a fool…and why wouldn’t I? I just had the most memorable day of my life…!!!
Did I mention I took a 17 hr long flight to get here…?

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