Wednesday, November 12, 2008

O.K…This was my second time at the Report studio (I went for the regular taping two months ago), but as this was a special screening episode, the six month rule didn’t apply…
Anyways, in the confirmation email they asked us to come at 7-7:30. But of course me and my friend arrived at the studios at 4:30 (hell yeah!). There were people waiting to go in for the general taping and so, we stood outside. Mark came and when we told him we were there for the Christmas screening, he said that we were too early for that…So, we went for a coffee and came back thirty minutes later, only to find the line for the general taping had gotten longer…
Then, Stephen’s driver/security guard (the one who appeared in Rain’s episode) came and started chatting with us. One of the staff members who was taking people’s names also came and we were chatting bout the standby line. They both were betting as to how many standby people will actually get it and it was really funny to hear them argue…
They actually let five standby people in and the staff member won the bet!
O.K, cut to the main part- We were first in the Christmas screening line and went in like an hour and half later. There as usual we were told to shout, clap and laugh as hard as we could…we went in pretty much immediately and we sat in the front fucking row!!! I was SO excited, it’s not even funny…Earlier when I was in his studio, I had a standby ticket and I was standing in the back in a corner…but this time I could actually see his whole studio clearly…
After probably fifteen minutes, Mark came back and practiced our group laughter and group cheering.
Then he asked us whether we had any questions regarding the show…And I asked him “how do we get a job as a writer for this show?” and he laughed and said “You can actually ask Stephen that and he might as well give you the job, coz you seem to be funny” (I don’t know whether he meant that as a sarcastic remark or not…but it was pretty funny) I also asked him about the Jane Fonda episode (I know this question has been asked before like a million times but I just love to see him answer that with equal passion and excitement).
We did pretty well and the he announced- “Are you ready to meet the greatest living American ?” and to everyone’s screaming, clapping and cheering, Stephen came out running…Because this was post-taping the regular show, he was out of his suit and tie and was wearing jeans and his favorite Penn t-shirt…he as usual ran around his desk and came running to the audience. Considering I was in the front row, I actually *touched8 his hand…wow…I was the only one literally jumping…
Then he said whether we had any questions for him and I raised my shaking hand. He looked at me and said “yes…” and I asked him exactly the question that I asked Mark- “How do e get a job as a writer of this show” and he laughed and said “You have to be funny…are you funny”? Then I said “well, I took a seventeen hour long flight to come here from India” and he looked amazed and said “Sev….ohh..well..WELCOME!”…hahah….his reaction was priceless…Then he actually answered my question seriously and said “You can hire an agent and ask him/her to contact our studios”…
Then someone asked him about the Strangers with Candy reunion and he said he didn’t have any problem unless Amy and Paul were available…
Anyways, then he briefed us about the upcoming Christmas screening and asked us to laugh at the jokes if we found them funny. He said “If you find something funny, laugh out LOUD and if you don’t find it funny, laugh out loud anyways”…
Then the screening began and trust me Nation, IT’S AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! My stomach still hurts…Then he went backstage and appeared after every ACT of the screening and talked some funny senseless things like, during first break he came out and said “ohh, now for a while let me encourage you to buy Axe body spray”…LOL
I’m sorry but I can’t disclose anything about the actual screening as we signed the agreement.
So, we came out and waited…there were three other people who were standing out as well…One of the girl had her B’day…Then after a while, all his security guards started speaking into their phones and we knew something was coming…and yes…To everyone’s excitement, Stephen came out shouting “wooohooo”….and we all too started shouting and clapping again! (it’s unbelievable to see how much energy he has, that too after two tapings!)…I asked him “Can I take a picture?” and he said ‘Picture? Ohh sure…” and so, immediately he put his hand around my shoulder and I put mine around his waist (coz I’m so damn short) and my friend took our picture…Then the B’day girl too took a pic with him and he wished her a Happy B’day, which was really sweet…Then he said ‘Thanks for coming guys and have a good night…” and he sat in his car (at the driver’s seat!)…we kept staring at him for a few more minutes and then unwillingly decided to leave…
Below is my pic, which looks like he’s grabbing my neck but who cares!!! And as usual I look so ridiculously happy, it’s not even funny…!
I apologize for such a lengthy report guys…

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