Sunday, May 27, 2007

My farewell speech...

When they were trying to find someone to give this speech they first asked the most intelligent, smart person they could find. But she turned them down. So then they asked the most beautiful, lovely, attractive person they could find. She also turned them down. Next they asked the nicest, sweetest, kindest, most sincere person they could find. Then I decided it would be rude to turn them down three times in a row, so here I am.
How many people here like tomato soup? Come on; raise your hand if you like tomato soup. OK, thank you. That was a really simple question, you either like it or you don't. I wish our college had been that easy. However, as we all know, it wasn't.
As someone who has voluntarily stepped up to this job of giving a “perfect” farewell speech, you expect me to speak something intelligent and scholarly. But I’m not.
This is the third time in the year that I’m standing on this platform and delivering a speech. And before I commence I want you all to do me a favor and take a look at your fellow classmates and professors. Maybe this is the last time you are going to see most of them. This might be a happy and comforting thought to many of you.
Since giving my 10th Std Board Exams and passing them, I’ve wondered when it’s all going to be over, finally! I thought it would be over at least after 12th. But how highly mistaken was I! Today when I think that it would be finally over once and for all, I know I’m wrong yet again. Because that’s what I’ve learnt in the past five years of my life- that its never really over. It’s not the destination but the journey that really matters. Bitter, but true.
Tomorrow we are all going to go in different directions. What direction each takes doesn’t matter. Whether you do banking, designing, VJing or something as bizarre as commercial fossil fuel distribution, it doesn’t matter what you are doing- but what or more rightly who you are. And its extremely important to immensely thank those who have made us what we are today as a person. Today I’m really privileged to stand in front of three individuals who have given us our identity. And I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for us. I know we haven’t even reciprocated even a fraction of that towards you. But we all do promise to, in near future or at least try our best in doing so.
When I first came to this college five years ago, trust me I did not have a very good first impression. And this would be my honest confession when I say that I often joined other students in criticizing our college canteen, library, its office staff, etc. Then time just flew by, gradually taking away with it, my stupid thoughts and opinions. I never know when I started cheering for this college, chanting its name on top of my voice, defending it against all other colleges and feeling deeply sad when it lacked behind. Today I can undoubtedly say that I’m a proud “Sathayeiite”. Because this is what I’ve learnt- Just a thousand bricks do not make up a college. A building with just four walls does not make up a canteen and just couple of chairs does not make up a library. The real strength of our college lies in the honesty, integrity and wholeness of our professors. A building with just walls, benches and blackboards would be like trashcan where people come and throw their dirt, their fears, insecurities, worries and doubts. It is the teachers that make the very trashcan a temple- a place of worship, dignity and respect. It is them that make an ordinary child- a student.
So, today for me, this is not only an opportunity to speak in front of people for whom I’ve tremendous respect for (and I’m talking only of the teachers) but an occasion to be grateful towards them from the bottom of my heart. Right now, words fail me while converting my feelings into words and expressing my thoughts through this speech in acknowledging you three. But I would be echoing the voice of everyone present here when I think that a simple “Thank You’ is most appropriate. So, Thanks a million- not just for teaching us academics but making a difference in our lives. You will always remain Sanjeevani and Asuthi maam for us for the rest of our lives. (Partially because we never quite knew Sanjeevani maam’s last name and Asuthi maam’s first name)
And now, a piece of advice for my fellow classmates- (I know I’m the last person to distribute advices) but this is more of a thought than a advice- So, I’ll not direct it towards “You” and instead say “We”…We should always aim high in whatever we do in our lives- Our greatest fear is not that our aim is too high and that we can’t attain it, but that our aim was so low that we actually reached it. Because humanity is divided into three parts-.1) those who make things happen. . 2. Those who watch things happen. . 3. and those who don't know what's happening." Like most of you right now, who are clueless about what I’m blabbering. So whatever you do, always keep your head high- even if it doesn’t concern anything to academics- don’t just sit home idly or worse go to jail. Be honest with yourself. It would be a bit clichéd or even over exaggerated when I say that amongst us I see the first female President or the first Indian to win an Oscar.
And finally, maams we all are going to miss you tremendously. I hope you’ll miss us too. Usually professors miss students or remember students based on how intelligent and smart they were, or how they excelled in extra curricular activities and made the college proud…But in my case, I hope you’ll remember me whenever you’ll see an empty blackboard without a thought. Thank You all and Thank You again…

Language of Silence

“Too many women in too many countries speak the same language of silence”
It just took one simple line for Mrs. Hilary Clinton to break the sound barriers of centuries and convey a powerful message to humanity. (Courtesy of the thought- our very own Indian born Anusaya Sengupta) “In today’s world women hold up half the sky. In most countries its more than half”.
While ironically in half of the world, we hear women getting nominated for Presidential posts, women winning Academy Awards for the portrayal of yet another potent woman, women flying in space and women hosting the most prestigious Oscars, the remaining half still lingers in ignorance where male dominance and fear of rejection from the opposite sex is predominant. Isn’t it a coincidence that just before the occasion of Woman’s Day when we are supposed to celebrate “Her”, we hear reports of abuse, violence and exploitation? Our newspapers seem to be incomplete without reports on women (including our Bollywood beauties) getting threatened, raped or bashed up. India’s maternal mortality rates in rural areas are among the world’s highest.
In today’s world that is being haunted by the evil forces of gender discrimination, wife-battering and male supremacy, walking the tight rope and staying alive is a daunting challenge. And in such a turbulent situation where everyone seems to be in turmoil over the meaning of woman and her role in the society, it is of course a positive sign when bold attempts are made by the same tormented women to raise their voice against the apparent injustice.
It is about time that we, the women make sure that we are more than just a liability. At least this year let’s quit the fancy cocktail parties and give up acknowledging the fake woman. Let’s celebrate the real woman, the one who stands up among the rest along with her immense tolerance. Let us all applaud those who at least attempted at giving up the language of silence. Let us put our hands together for that maid of yours who did your household chores every single day irrespective of a black eye and battered face. Mind you, she is no different from the women next door whose bruises are hidden under her heavy make-up but are equally deep –rooted.
Nobody can deny that once you are conceived as an Indian female you are automatically entitled to these evils of inequity, unfairness, ill treatment and powerlessness. (And I’m clearly aware that I’m living in a 21st Century when I say this.) Of course, being whistled at in public places and other forms of being a subject to disrespect come as mandatory.
That this world is full of unfairness and bias. Let's accept that. And let's resist it against the depth and sanctity of womanand learn to live with it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

May 2007 spare us...

After 26th July 2006 it was so easy for the Govt officials and some BMC workers to blame it on the Mumbaikars. The whole reason for the ugly and unfortunate mishap was easily put forth as the disposal of plastic bags by the public, which ultimately caused our 'legendary' drainage system to fail. Then there was this dramatic declaration of the plastic ban which was extensively covered by the media. (No one actually took the note of the places where the vegetable vendors hid those bags under their stack of vegetables). There were discussions, debates, interviews of the BMC workers, etc. And then the most unthinkable happened...The State panel mooted for a ‘partial’ ban. I ask where was the ban in the first place and who followed it? (Of course we all did, for two whole weeks! ) Then again, all those hidden bags started coming out in the open, until no one actually remembered that such ban ever existed. Which single Govt worker looked into the matter in detail and kept a daily check on the vendors and shopkeepers? And how ridiculous was this ‘partial ban’ argument. (Ban on bags below 100 micron thickness to be precise) The ban talked about imprisoning those who violateed it. Let’s have a hearty laugh on that first! There are serial killers and multi law breakers running free in this very land. (And yes, not everyone is fortunate enough to get a warm welcome in the prisons with a special menu by the prison staffers). And you plan of putting those behind the bars who use plastic bags? I say, just stop fooling us. Even though half of our population is illiterate, they are not stupid. If you don’t want to take up the accountability of undertaking one simple ban, then don’t even care to declare it in the first place. For heavens sake, stop blaming everything on the public! And stop taxing your brains and wasting your mental energy on these useless and unnecessary discussions. Instead you can put those brilliant ideas somewhere else (Needless to say our country needs thousands of those). If you are not capable of taking up a responsibility till the end, then please don’t fool us by even pretending to take it. Yeh public hain, sab janti hain!

It’s the eve of monsoon again and it won’t be long before the rain-gods pour their blessings (read curses) on this dream city. Soon the heavy showers will hit our metropolis bringing along with it not only the sewage from the nullahs, the drainage from the open manholes into the open roads making it impossible and disgusting for the pedestrians to walk, but also the dreadful memories from last year that haunted each and every Mumbaikar. It’s that time of the year again. And we are very well aware that the situation won’t be much different if the same tragedy slaps us hard one more time. It’s easy for the Govt to blame it on the ‘aam janta’…
Did you see how the Govt took the lives of hundreds of people and made life miserable for the rest? But the citizens didn’t complain then. Instead they took a much mature and sensible step- Screw the Government, and instead start lending a helping hand to each other. But the time has gone. Last year the citizens mutely suffered and survived. They gave the Govt one whole year to show that it cared. But the Govt missed it. The same drama will take place this year too. (Though we have millions of fingers crossed and even more hands joined in front of The Almighty). But don’t worry. God only knows how to keep people of their kind alive without a guilty conscience eating them all the time.
That the rains took away lives is one thing. That it took away our faith and conviction is what we will have to live with.
May 2007 spare us.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

A tribute to my favorite woman in the world...

Recently a boy not more than twelve, asked his mother for money to go and watch a movie. She declined. She thought it would be bad for him to watch it for the third time. She did not permit him to see it because she thought it would affect his academics, or it would waste his precious time, money or it would have a bad effect on his eyes. In short, she disallowed him for his own good. Because she cared. For his future. For his life. Not her own. But yet he thought she hated him-hated him so much that he decided on ending his life. He hung himself from a ceiling fan. And in a minute or two, he was gone forever.
All parents want to help their kids develop--to provide a firm foundation for a child’s emotional, social, and academic development. Parents often fain to understand the connection between their own parenting practices and the social, emotional, and intellectual aspects of child development.
Yes, parents do need to learn too. But giving up your life is not the lesson you need to teach them. Infact that's the harshest, most merciless and thoughtless punishment you could ever give them in return for their care, genuine concern and love.
The day the young boy took his life, his friends and relatives must be devastated. I cannot even begin to imagine what his mother must be going through at the moment.
So on the occasion of Mother's Day, let's stop taking our mother for granted. Moms need to feel important in this society. It is both arrogant and dangerous to tell mothers that the average daycare worker is more capable of raising her children than she is and that she is somehow damaging them if she sacrifices or postpones her career to be with them.
We know what kind of a role a mother occupies in a child’s mind. We don’t get it from a study. We get it from the look on her child's face when he/she tells her about her day at school. From the baby's cries in the night when he needs his mother’s milk, and from the dreams mothers have of their babies all taking on the world with the same vision and idealism that they once had.
No mother would be ever pleased seeing a human being which has grown inside her own body, hanging from a ceiling fan...Let's not give them such a view ever in our lives. They truely do not deserve it.
Oprah always says that motherhood is the toughest and at the same time the most blessed job in the world. And we know our mothers do it. And they do it well...

This is a song by Josh Groban that truely echos the moods and sentiments of every child this Mother's Day...

“You raise me up…
So I can climb on mountains.
You raise me up…
To walk on stormy seas.
I’m strong…
When I’m on your shoulders.
You raise me up…
To more than I can be.

A Tribute To My Favourite Author...

We have all seen it; heard about it, read it and some are quite bored of it by now. Harry Potter has captured this world like a wild fire. Its official! It’s everywhere. But what do we really know about him? Or the person who created him? What is it that has got at least half of the world get addicted to it? Clearly the maser mind behind this legendary character is someone, who’s not less than a fantasy herself. Of course, with her wealth more than the Queen of England and her name top listed in the record of the most famous celebrities in the world, I would say she is a Goddess herself. But before becoming the person who’s worshipped by millions of readers, she was nothing more than a small town girl who played the game of ‘Witches and Wizards’ all the time with her neighborhood friends- Ian and Nikki “Potter.”
During one casual train journey from Manchester to London, the most magical thing happened that changed the world forever. The train halted due to some technical faults and she was stranded for hours. Suddenly while gazing at the outside meadows, one basic idea of a boy who is unaware of his true identity just popped in her head. And till her train entered London station, Harry Potter was born! What happened after that is history…or rather the most historic chapter in the arena of English literature.
Like that of the character she created, J.K Rowling’s life has a gleam of a fairy tale. From being a divorced woman with no job and an infant daughter to look after, to becoming one of the richest women in the world (not to mention, one of the most loved authors) Mrs. Rowling’s life itself has been one big roller-coaster ride… And the only person that rescued her through this traumatic phase was none other than Harry Potter… We know her as the most popular author of a series of books about some black-haired, bespectacled boy who escapes from the confines of the adult world and goes to a place where he has power, both literally and metaphorically. He is the simplest of simple boy in the muggle world and a hero in his own Wizardry Community. Just like the author herself. We only know her life as a booming and glamorous one, enjoying the taste of her success. But the story of the woman behind the creation of this admired Wizard is left untold. From being a ‘penniless single mother’ to being top listed in the richest woman in the world, her story is the one which each aspiring human being would want to know. From buying the cheapest coffee in a Café and for that matter even sleeping hungry at times, she has been through it all.
Joanne Kathleen Rowling has sailed through a rough sea only to end up inspiring millions, the world over through her books. Her talent and brilliance is immensely depicted in each of her novel. She maintained the texture of her writing in spite of the extra ordinary rise of popularity she gained in the process. And what truly enthused me was the vastness of her imagination. From creating the most lovable characters to characters we just love to hate, she captured the hearts of all those who believed in friendship, love, bravery and battle of good against the evil. From being slotted as children’s books, she has quite amazingly proceeded to writing something that could engross even a sixty year old. A slight escapism from the present reality to the unknown world where nothing seems impossible is always welcome change for all.
The author planned of writing something that could make others happy and which could fetch her, a living. And it did, and how! Her writing strikes you right where you need it.
Magnificent author and a remarkable woman, J.K Rowling is here to stay in our hearts forever…She’s no more a ‘penniless single mother’, mind you. She’s the author who has created the best selling fantasy stories and made parents read more and more to their children (partly for their own enjoyment), and given big sales boost to authors like John Grisham. And she’s here to stay people… Even after the last chapter of Harry turns its final page!

Does Life Really go on...?

Too much is talked and said about the Bombay spirit and the euphoria that surrounds every mood of this city. But what really needs to be pointed out is the fact that the ever-pulsating, never-dying attitude of Mumbai is rightly mistaken for its ability to conquer fears overnight, overlooking the horror, grief, and shock that every Mumbaikar unmistakably face. The reason why the citizens show their resilience is because they have no other choice. It’s because, if the city fails to come on tracks immediately, it would be even more likely target to numerous unfortunate events in future. It’s because, no authority or any Government body ever show their ability to avoid and bring a stop to such brutal incidences, that the citizens themselves have to get up to lend a helping hand to each other. Because even after the disaster, all the Government could ever do is pat the citizens on their backs for their courage and fortitude, instead of some kind of assuring promise for the future.
It’s not because Mumbaikars are the people devoid of emotions and feelings. Even though they show up the very next day of the catastrophe in their offices, the obvious dread, vulnerability, anger and disgust in their minds is evident. All the bravery and heroism of the city that the Government often salutes, is not Mumbai’s real courageousness or valor. In reality it is their helplessness and sheer nakedness that is wrapped over their fear and insecurity. It is high time that the Government stops acknowledging the city’s spirit and take some serious actions to avoid such mishaps in the days to come. How much ever honored we may feel by the PM’s address to the citizens after every disaster that strikes the city, we cannot forget the sight of the innocent bodies being thrown outside the exploding train or people being massacred on streets or sudden bombs exploding in the face of an innocent Mumbaikar, when the politicians were sitting comfortably in air-conditioned rooms having a “discussion” over the issue, where they could have done something practical. Yes, we do agree that we, the Mumbaikars are the most resilient and tough of all the citizens in our country, but please don’t mock our flexibility and ability to fight back. If the Government really cares and feels for this city, then we need some severe actions that could protect its purely ‘gem citizens.’

Are You Lost

In the world that is being haunted by the evil forces of thoughtlessness, blind faith, mediocrity and hypocrisy, walking the tight rope and staying alive is a daunting challenge. These are the times when we are being carried away in a vacuum only to be consumed by our own thoughts, actions, beliefs and choices. Is this the world we live and grow in? The world where its own residents are killed because of their skin color, where children look up to the demolishers of mankind who call themselves ‘rulers’ and where people just cannot get over the political and social battles fought over the meaning of a woman and her ‘role’ in the society?
Probably this was normal in the world in which we were meant to live in. But then, just a while ago, man was gifted with a choice to introspect and correct his wrong doings. However we completely lost ourselves in the mid-way and introspection was locked up in a faraway land, which was inaccessible to man. We all got lost when we stood up and silently let ‘them’ rule us and declared, “We are ready to sell ourselves out”. That’s the precise moment when the human race sunk deep in the ocean of shame, disgrace and indignity.
Today what we see is just ‘good’ and ‘bad’. We are aware of only two specifics- he or she being ‘good’ should be worshiped and he or she being ‘bad’ should be violated. People find it quite all right to sacrifice their own beliefs to do something that the society has enforced upon them as ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. But no one really tells us that sometimes its O.K to disagree with ‘them’. Because, a society is merely an amalgamation of people who decide a set of rules that suits them and have the power and shame to impose them upon those who are dumb enough to follow them without demur.
And if this is what you also see as your future, then we are headed towards real peril- literally a place that will be ruled by half literates, where human faith could be bought for free. This is quite inevitable when people perceive policies, duties and responsibilities through the filter of media, where the whole society is drained and deprived of its values through the little holes of incompetence and mindlessness.
This erosion of thoughts is when a certain character known as ‘Eminem’ with their irritatingly soundless music can actually generate admirers just because a certain channel wants us to believe that these seemingly mentally disturbed individuals can actually make music.
The degradation has already being done where rapists, killers, murderers, wife beaters, child beaters are actually given a clean chit to repeat their crimes. And what happens when we keep mum? Programs like “WWE” become popular among the youth and youngsters actually think of its characters (who get pleasure by punching, throwing and tearing each other off) as so-called “icons”! Or when a certain Miss Sherawat is looked up to by women who misunderstand her desperation for ‘boldness’.
And talk of today’s household entertainment…Indian television has become one big sob story. Because when it comes to its popularity, it can only come down to one aspect. While protagonists of all leading serials shed tears, reality shows are worse. Singing competition has degenerated into crying competitions. Going by the T.V trends, it seems people today just enjoy other’s suffering. Even News channels- any and every coverage of calamity is always accompanied by the most gruesome visuals. In chat shows, most painful questions are asked and the camera lingers on the faces of the contestants in the hope of capturing one tear that will increase their TRPs. A few years ago, Kapil Dev cried on television and made headlines. Now, tears have become an inseparable part of daily entertainment. The truth is, we enjoy watching other people’s misery in the name of entertainment. It’s a vicious circle- where life imitates art and art imitates life.
Yes, we are dying. And we are dying a slow and horrible death. We were meant to live so much longer. Every morning you wake up and wait for the sun to rise. You are not sure it would. When you see it come up, you are relieved. This is not ‘the day’ yet. As long as we believe that it’s all right to sell ourselves out, it’s baseless to revolt or debate or merely discuss to find our way out to gain ourselves back. And it’s even more futile to point fingers. Because all of us are sitting in the same chair of ‘the accused’. All of us are guilty. All of us are Lost.