Thursday, July 19, 2007

Musings of a Harry Potter fan on the eve of final showdown...

The time has come…It’s a final showdown, an end of an era for all the Potter maniacs. As the last chapter of the book turns it’s final page, we’ll say our ultimate Goodbye to Harry, forever. It’s hard to imagine, difficult to believe and impossible to accept the fact that Harry will no longer continue to charm us and enthrall our senses. I don’t want to get deliberately sappy here, but I’ve been a part of this whole phenomenon for more than seven years now- so Harry Potter has quite obviously been a huge HUGE part of my life. For me, it has always been escapism from the present reality to an unknown yet familiar world of fantasy. Yes, I’m a self-confessed Harry Potter maniac. I do wish I had an invisibility cloak, wish I could transfigure things and apparate at will.
Like million others who are not a part of this magical population, I too tried to distance myself from Harry, initially when my sister forced me to read it. Thinking of it as mere children’s book, I resisted it for a longest time. Until, one day for the sake of my sis, I half-heartedly took the first book in my hands. And as I started turning the pages, little did I know that I was entering the world, which I would become a part of, for the rest of my life. I instantly got glued to HP and read all the three books that had come till then and waited with baited breath for the forth to arrive. Since then this tradition continues. Before every book release, I get jitters, anxiety attacks and pangs of excitement that I can’t contain.
But this time, it’s going to be different. Because, this time we know there isn’t going to be a next time. After reading each of the previous books, I thought that it would be hard for me when the last book ultimately falls in my hands. But now, when the time has actually come, I’m realizing it’s even harder. Will there ever be anyone as astonishing as Harry? Would you love any teacher in the world more than Dumbledore? Will you ever loathe anyone but Snape? And even if you try your best, where will you find better friends than Ron and Hermione? After living with Harry for so many years, it’s difficult to bring it to a closing stage. There is an excitement that is unrivaled and a sense of bereavement at the same time. After years of reading, theorizing, re-reading, debating, re-re-reading and discussing we have finally reached our destination and wow, what a ride it has been! Like many, I’ve literally grown up with Harry and I’ll definitely feel a part of me will be gone.
The non-readers think it as insanity, but for Potter enthusiasts, there will be nothing like Harry for the rest of their lives. Surely enough, the intense bond that the readers have attained the world over with Harry and the gang is difficult to bring to a close.
But, I’m sure, even though JK stops writing about Harry, the story will continue for the fans. Practically, the phenomenon will end but emotionally Harry Potter will remain carved in the hearts of all those who have been fortunate enough to be its part.
I‘ll never forget all those people who became my friends just because I saw one of the HP books in their hands. We did everything together- laughed at Ron’s jokes, flew over the waters of London on a broomstick, cheered for Harry in Quidditch and mourned the death of our loved characters. Given a chance I would die to go back in time and re-live my past seven years just to cherish the moments one last time.
But looking at this bittersweet moment’s bright side, I got to be a part of the biggest literary event in the history. And I can’t thank J.K Rowling enough for this magnificent gift.

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